
WHO approves first mpox vaccine for adults, urges global rollout

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Friday its first approval of a vaccine for mpox in adults, marking a significant step in combating the disease, particularly in Africa.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus emphasized the need for an urgent scale-up in vaccine procurement, donations, and distribution to address ongoing outbreaks and future prevention efforts.

The vaccine is approved for individuals aged 18 and older, administered in two doses. While not currently licensed for those under 18, it may be used in younger populations during outbreaks if the benefits outweigh potential risks.

The Africa CDC recently reported that 70% of mpox cases in Congo affect children under 15, with this group accounting for 85% of related deaths. The continent has seen 107 new deaths and over 3,100 new cases in the past week, just after launching a coordinated response plan with WHO.

According to scientists, mpox, related to smallpox, causes milder symptoms but can lead to severe complications, including lesions.

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