Culture & ArtsNEWS

Oldest copy of Holy Quran in China attracts thousands of visitors daily at Qinghai Mosque

The Qinghai Mosque in China houses the oldest copy of the Holy Quran in the country, attracting around 6,000 visitors daily.

This historical manuscript dates back between 11 to 13 centuries and is handwritten, consisting of 867 pages that include all parts of the Quran.

Weighing approximately 13 kilograms, this copy is divided into two parts, one of which is covered in silk. It underwent restoration in 2007 by experts and artists and is now displayed in a glass display case under special conditions to preserve it.

It is believed that the Salar tribe, which migrated from Central Asia to China about 700 years ago, brought this Quran with them, making it one of the oldest in the world.

The mosque attracts thousands of visitors daily, most of whom are Muslims living in Qinghai Province and neighboring areas like Gansu Province, eager to see this rare copy of the Holy Quran.

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