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Freemuslim Association’s message on UN’s Intl. Day for Countering Hate Speech

In celebration of the United Nation’s International Day for Countering Hate Speech observed on 18 June, the Freemuslim Association—a global anti-violence organization—has stressed the importance of combating all forms of hate speech and promoting the principles of tolerance and peaceful coexistence.

In a statement received by Shia Waves Agency, the organization emphasized that this day represents a crucial opportunity to intensify efforts aimed at combating hate and violence based on sectarian or racial backgrounds.

It reiterated its commitment to fostering and disseminating values of tolerance and rejecting violence among people of all races, intellectual affiliations, cultures, and religions through direct communications and media platforms.

Freemuslim affirmed the necessity of dedicating principles of shared living and national responsibility, and enhancing understanding among people in the face of entities that spread hatred and incite violence due to natural human differences.

The global organization called on all human rights and humanitarian organizations to participate in observing this international day by organizing activities and events dedicated to promoting tolerance, empathy, and cooperation among individuals and communities.

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