
Large numbers of people leave New Zealand amid living difficulties, New figures show

New Zealand is experiencing a record number of citizens leaving the country, with many heading to Australia due to living pressures and that Australiam employers offer workers higher pay and better working conditions, The Guardian reported citing new figures.

Stats NZ’s provisional international migration data indicates that in the year leading up to April, there were an estimated 130,600 migrant departures, the highest annual figure on record.

Of these, around 81,200 were New Zealand citizens, marking a 41% increase from the previous year and surpassing the previous record of 72,400 departures in 2012.

During the same period, 24,800 New Zealand citizens returned, resulting in a net migration loss of 56,500 citizens, which is higher than the previous record of 44,400 in 2012.

Despite this, the country saw an overall net migration gain of 98,500, thanks to 154,900 non-New Zealand citizens entering, with the largest groups coming from India, the Philippines, and China.

Additionally, Stats NZ’s provisional data on migration to Australia showed that in the year up to September 2023, 53% of New Zealand citizen departures were to Australia.

Many New Zealanders, especially young professionals and graduates, have cited high living costs and job shortages as reasons for leaving. It is also common for young New Zealanders to move abroad after finishing their education.

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