130-year-old Algerian woman arrives in Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj pilgrimage

In a remarkable scene reflecting the spirituality of the Hajj Pilgrimage and the determination of believers, Saudi Arabia’s Al-Ekhbariya TV punlished a video documenting the arrival of the pilgrim “Sarhoda Stiti,” aged 130, to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj.

Stiti is the oldest pilgrim to arrive this year, having landed at Jeddah airport from Algeria.

This year also saw the arrival of 104-year-old Iraqi pilgrim “Kazmiya Hatim” in Mecca. Kazmiya is considered a symbol of determination and faith, inspiring many with her resolve to perform Hajj despite her old age.

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Saudi Minister of Hajj and Umrah, Tawfiq Al-Rabiah, confirmed during a press conference that the Kingdom has welcomed over 1.2 million pilgrims from around the world this year.

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