Saudi authorities execute young man based on trumped-up charges

Saudi authorities carried out the death sentence against the young man Hassan Ahmed Al-Nasser from the Eastern Province on Monday.

Al-Nasser was charged with funding terrorism and having connections with terrorist members, charges that rights sources have labeled as fabricated and used by the Saudi Ministry of Interior to justify the execution of prisoners of conscience.

This execution is part of a series of measures targeting activists and dissidents in the kingdom, with human rights reports confirming that Al-Nasser’s trial did not adhere to international standards of fair trials.

Despite the execution, Saudi authorities have withheld Al-Nasser’s body and have not informed his family of his burial location, preventing them from holding funeral ceremonies for him.

The martyr’s family considered this action a blatant violation of religious, legal, and moral principles that guarantee the rights of families to know the fate of their loved ones and perform necessary religious procedures after their passing.

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