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Arab WorldIslam WorldNEWS

Freemuslim calls on Economic Forum participants to address challenges in Arab, Islamic countries

The Freemuslim Association—an anti-violence organization based in Washington, D.C.—has called on all the governments participating in the Economic Forum, which is held in Saudi Arabia, to review and discuss the challenges facing the peoples of the region, particularly in freedom of work and movement in the Arab countries.

In its statement received by Shia Waves Agency, the rights organization said: “Advancing economic development requires ensuring basic freedoms for individuals, including the rights of work and movement, and providing an investment environment that protects individuals’ rights and enhances their equality before the law.”

The organization urged the leaders of participating governments to focus on resolving political disputes and reducing ongoing conflicts between Arab and Islamic countries, especially regional conflicts that hinder the development process.

The organization concluded its statement by calling on forum participants to intervene effectively to stop violence and wars in regions such as Gaza, and to find just and comprehensive solutions to the Palestinian issue, which is a major obstacle to development and stability in the region.

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