
Majority of Muslim Americans prioritize charity during Holy Ramadan, survey finds

A recent survey by the Muslim Philanthropy Initiative at Indiana University has revealed that nearly 70% of Muslim Americans prefer engaging in charitable giving during Ramadan.

The survey examined the preferences of Muslim Americans regarding zakat (almsgiving), shedding light on the significance of Ramadan and its impact on the community’s charitable practices in the United States.

Factors influencing Muslim Americans’ preferences for paying zakat during Ramadan include gender, age, race, income, marital status, religiosity, and voter registration status.

The survey also found that over 45% of U.S. Muslims give zakat during Hajj, the annual Islamic pilgrimage. Zakat aims to redistribute wealth and alleviate poverty within the Muslim community.

In 2021, Muslim Americans contributed an estimated $1.8 billion in zakat, with around 85% of the funds remaining in the United States. Approximately 50% of donations go to Muslim-led organizations, while about 40% support non-Muslim groups.

Key findings include married Muslims and Muslim women being more likely to pay zakat during Ramadan. Muslims in their 30s with an annual income of $50,000 to $75,000 also prioritize zakat during the fasting month.

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