Religious Authority

Grand Ayatollah Safi criticizes silence on killing of Shia Muslims in Nigeria and Pakistan

Grand Ayatollah Safi criticizes silence on killing of Shia Muslims in Nigeria and Pakistan

Safi Golpaygani expressed his deep dismay over the killings of Shia Muslims in Pakistan and Nigeria   Grand Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani expressed his deep dismay over the killings of Shia Muslims in Pakistan and Nigeria and urged Islamic and…
Sayed Shirazi meets mourners on the occasion of the Holy Prophet and Imam Redha’s martyrdom anniversaries

Sayed Shirazi meets mourners on the occasion of the Holy Prophet and Imam Redha’s martyrdom anniversaries

Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi met mourners from various countries in his honorable house in the holy city of Qom   On the occasion of the martyrdom anniversaries of the Holy Prophet and his grandson Imam Redha, peace be upon them, the…
Holy Najaf completes preparations for Prophet Mohammad’s martyrdom anniversary

Holy Najaf completes preparations for Prophet Mohammad’s martyrdom anniversary

Holy Najaf’s local government has completed  its preparations for the massive pilgrimage   On the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, Holy Najaf’s local government has completed  its preparations for…
Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi expresses his thankfulness and gratitude to all participants of Arbaeen pilgrimage

Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi expresses his thankfulness and gratitude to all participants of Arbaeen pilgrimage

I thank men and women who accommodated pilgrims in various parts of Iraq with all they have   The Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, expressed his thankfulness and gratitude to all those who…
Arbaeen mourning ceremonies held at the house of Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi

Arbaeen mourning ceremonies held at the house of Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi

 mourning ceremonies were held at the honorable house of Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi   On the occasion of Arbaeen, mourning ceremonies were held at the honorable house of the Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his…
Grand Ayatollah Bashir Najafi participates in Arbaeen march

Grand Ayatollah Bashir Najafi participates in Arbaeen march

Bashir Najafi took part in the great march of pilgrims   Grand Ayatollah Bashir Najafi took part in the great march of pilgrims towards Karbala to mark Arbaeen. According to reports, the grand religious scholar is among many religious, cultural,…
Mourning ceremonies on martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hassan held at the house of Sayed Shirazi

Mourning ceremonies on martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hassan held at the house of Sayed Shirazi

ceremonies were held on Thursday at the honorable house of Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi   On the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hassan A-Mujtaba, peace be upon him, mourning ceremonies were held on Thursday at the honorable house of…
Grand Ayatollah Golpaygani calls on Arabeen pilgrims to submitto the Husseini morals

Grand Ayatollah Golpaygani calls on Arabeen pilgrims to submitto the Husseini morals

walking in the path of the Husseini service leads to the ultimate happiness   The Eminent Grand Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani received members of Lady Fatima Masouma Husseini procession at his office in the holy city of Qom, hailing their…
Two booklets released containing full-length Ashura speeches of Sayid Sadiq Shirazi

Two booklets released containing full-length Ashura speeches of Sayid Sadiq Shirazi

promoting the Husseini culture and principles to the whole world, two booklets have been released   Following the directives of the Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, on promoting the Husseini culture and principles…
Imam Shirazi Center holds its monthly symposium on Arbaeen Pilgrimage

Imam Shirazi Center holds its monthly symposium on Arbaeen Pilgrimage

The symposium has been attended by Iraqi specialists to discuss Arbaeen pilgrimage   Imam Shirazi Center for Researches and Studies has held its monthly symposium, titled “Social Functions of Arbaeen Pilgrimage” The symposium has been attended by Iraqi specialists to…
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