Islam World

Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s office in Holy Karbala received delegations from Kuwait, Qateef and college students from the Iraqi university of Mustasiriya

Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s office in Holy Karbala received delegations from Kuwait, Qateef and college students from the Iraqi university of Mustasiriya

The office of the Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, has received, in the holy city of Karbala, a number of delegations and visitors from inside Iraq and abroad during the past two days…
Russian woman embraced Islam at Imam Reza holy shrine

Russian woman embraced Islam at Imam Reza holy shrine

Russian woman embraced Islam at Imam Ridha holy shrine. Olga Radjabi is a Muslim convert who converted to Islam as she came to know Islam as a result of her personal interest in reading Qur’an in Russian language and other…
Turkish Shiites protest Saudi Arabia’s aggression on Yemen

Turkish Shiites protest Saudi Arabia’s aggression on Yemen

Hundreds of Turkish Shiites have staged a rally in Istanbul to express their support for Yemen’s people condemning Saudi Arabia’s aggression on Yemen   Hundreds of Turkish Shiites have staged a rally in Istanbul to express their support for Yemen’s…
Ansarullah slams Arab League support for Saudi war on Yemen

Ansarullah slams Arab League support for Saudi war on Yemen

Yemen’s Ansarullah movement denounced a decision by the Arab League to support Saudi Arabia’s blatant invasion of the country   Yemen’s Ansarullah movement denounced a decision by the Arab League to support Saudi Arabia’s blatant invasion of the country. Ansarullah…
Kuwait arrests activists opposing war on Yemen

Kuwait arrests activists opposing war on Yemen

Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior has arrested activists over criticizing Saudi Arabia for its recent invasion of Yemen   Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior has arrested activists over criticizing Saudi Arabia for its recent invasion of Yemen. Also in Bahrain, the Manama…
Protests held in Eastern province of Saudi Arabia lambast Saudi invasion of Yemen

Protests held in Eastern province of Saudi Arabia lambast Saudi invasion of Yemen

Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia has witnessed many protests supporting the uprising in Yemen and denouncing the Saudi invasion of the Arab county   Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia has witnessed many protests supporting the uprising in Yemen and denouncing…
Syrian city of Idlib falls to Jabhat al-Nusra

Syrian city of Idlib falls to Jabhat al-Nusra

Al-Nusra Front terrorists claim to have taken control of the Syrian city of Idlib after days of fierce battles with government forces   Al-Nusra Front terrorists claim to have taken control of the Syrian city of Idlib after days of…
Arab League summit kicks off in Egypt and Saudi King says war will continue

Arab League summit kicks off in Egypt and Saudi King says war will continue

The 26th Arab League summit began in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh with the participation of a number of Arab leaders   The 26th Arab League summit began in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh with the participation of…
Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s office in Damascus marks martyrdom anniversary of Lady Fatimah al-Zahraa, peace be upon her

Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s office in Damascus marks martyrdom anniversary of Lady Fatimah al-Zahraa, peace be upon her

The office of the Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, in Sayyida Zainab’s area in the Syrian Capital of Damascus, has held a mourning ceremony to mark the martyrdom anniversary of Lady Fatima al-Zahraa,…
FSA terrorists captured and destroyed Sayyida Sakina shrine in Syria

FSA terrorists captured and destroyed Sayyida Sakina shrine in Syria

Takfiri terrorists of Free Syrian Army attacked and captured the holy shrine of Sayyida Sakinah in Syrian city of Darayya after two days of fierce clashes with the Syrian army   Takfiri terrorists of Free Syrian Army attacked and captured…
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