Islam World

Saudi jets pound Sana’a international airport

Saudi jets pound Sana’a international airport

Saudi warplanes have bombarded the international airport in Yemen’s capital   Saudi warplanes have bombarded the international airport in Yemen’s capital, Sana’a, as Riyadh continues its deadly campaign against the impoverished southern neighbor. Yemen’s al-Masirah news channel said Saudi warplanes pounded the capital city…
Some 300 Syrian families leave besieged Al-Foua’a and Kafraya

Some 300 Syrian families leave besieged Al-Foua’a and Kafraya

some 300 families from the besieged Shia towns of al-Foua’a and Kafraya in Idlib   The process of moving some 300 families from the besieged Shia towns of al-Foua’a and Kafraya in Idlib was completed, under supervision of the UN,…
Eighty-two ISIS terrorists killed in Afghanistan

Eighty-two ISIS terrorists killed in Afghanistan

terrorist group have been killed in aerial strikes by the Afghan air force across the Achin district of Nangarhar Province   At least 68 members of the Takfiri ISIS terrorist group have been killed in aerial strikes by the Afghan…
Twenty-nine Bahrainis handed long prison terms

Twenty-nine Bahrainis handed long prison terms

Bahraini court handed over jail terms to 29 nationals, aging from 16 to 25 years old   A Bahraini court handed over jail terms to 29 nationals, aging from 16 to 25 years old, alleging that they had conspired in…
At least 20 killed in northwest Pakistan bombing

At least 20 killed in northwest Pakistan bombing

bomb attack outside a government building in northwestern Pakistan   At least 20 people have been killed in a bombing attack outside a government building in northwestern Pakistan, officials say. Pakistani officials said some 35 others were also wounded in…
Bahrain’s Salafist leader assigned as royal court advisor

Bahrain’s Salafist leader assigned as royal court advisor

announced the assignment of the head of Salafist Al-Asalah Society, former minister Ghanim Albuainain   The official Bahrain News Agency announced the assignment of the head of Salafist Al-Asalah Society, former minister Ghanim Albuainain, as a Royal Court advisor. BNA…
Syria Shia families’ evacuation from Kefraya and Fuaa begins

Syria Shia families’ evacuation from Kefraya and Fuaa begins

Shia villages of Kefraya and Fuaa are being taken to Turkey   About 300 families from the Shia villages of Kefraya and Fuaa are being taken to Turkey from where they will go to Lebanon. The evacuation is part of…
Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi delivers a speech on the birth anniversaries of the Holy Prophet and his grandson Imam Jafar al-Sadiq, peace be upon them

Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi delivers a speech on the birth anniversaries of the Holy Prophet and his grandson Imam Jafar al-Sadiq, peace be upon them

birth anniversaries of the Holy Prophet and his grandson Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq   On the occasion of the blessed occasions of the birth anniversaries of the Holy Prophet and his grandson Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq, peace be upon them, the Eminent…
Several martyred in terror attacks targeting Syria’s al-Zahra Shia neighborhood

Several martyred in terror attacks targeting Syria’s al-Zahra Shia neighborhood

terror attacks in Syria’s western city of Homs have left at least 14 people dead   Multiple near-simultaneous terror attacks in Syria’s western city of Homs have left at least 14 people dead and many more injured the country’s media reports…
Canadian lady converts to Shia Islam at Imam Redha Holy Shrine

Canadian lady converts to Shia Islam at Imam Redha Holy Shrine

lady converted to Islam and became a Shi’ite Muslim after visiting the Imam Redha Holy Shrine   A Canadian lady converted to Islam and became a Shi’ite Muslim after visiting the Imam Redha Holy Shrine. Melissa Neding expressed her happiness…
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