
Baghdad and Paris discuss Al-Hawl camp and efforts to combat terrorism

Baghdad and Paris discuss Al-Hawl camp and efforts to combat terrorism

The Iraqi National Security Adviser, Qassem Al-Araji, discussed with the French ambassador in Baghdad the Syrian Al-Hawl camp and the importance of ending its case. Al-Araji’s office said, in a statement received by Shia Waves Agency, that Al-Araji, “received in…
Over 46 thousand volunteers honored in providing services to pilgrims of Imam Ali in Holy Najaf

Over 46 thousand volunteers honored in providing services to pilgrims of Imam Ali in Holy Najaf

More than (46) thousand volunteers were honored to provide services to pilgrims at the holy shrine of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, during the year 2022. The official of the Division of Those Honored to Serve…
An antiquities-specialized website lauds techniques used in Al-Ukhaidir Palace

An antiquities-specialized website lauds techniques used in Al-Ukhaidir Palace

The Collector, a global research site specialized in antiquities and heritage affairs around the world, lauded the aesthetic architecture and designs of the historic Al-Ukhaidir Palace in the holy city of Karbala. In a detailed article, the site said, “The…
Iraqi Security Media Cell: 6 terrorists arrested in different governorates

Iraqi Security Media Cell: 6 terrorists arrested in different governorates

The Federal Intelligence and Investigation Agency in the Iraqi Ministry of Interior carried out on Thursday important activities in three Iraqi governorates based on intelligence information and judicial decisions that resulted in the arrest of 6 terrorists belonging to ISIS…
Over 10 thousand Mus’hafs in Courtyard of al-Abbas Holy Shrine, official says

Over 10 thousand Mus’hafs in Courtyard of al-Abbas Holy Shrine, official says

The Holy Courtyard Care Department at the Al-Abbas Holy Shrine announced that it has almost ten thousand Mus’hafs in the holy courtyard, internal and external basements of the holy shrine, the assistant head of the Department, Sheikh Zain al-Abidin al-Quraishi…
Shia followers of AhlulBayt commemorate demise anniversary of Sayyeda Umm al-Banin

Shia followers of AhlulBayt commemorate demise anniversary of Sayyeda Umm al-Banin

Banners of sadness and sorrow covered the holy shrines of Imam Ali, Imam Hussein and Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas, peace be upon them, over the demise anniversary of Sayyeda Umm al-Banin, peace be upon her. Shia followers of AhlulBayt, peace be…
International Quran Exhibition planned in the holy city of Karbala

International Quran Exhibition planned in the holy city of Karbala

The holy city of Karbala in Iraq will host the second edition of the International Quran Exhibition from January 23 – February 21, 2023. The exhibition, which is held by the Imam Hussain Holy Shrine, will be staged at Bein…
More than 100 families receive winter clothing from Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation

More than 100 families receive winter clothing from Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation

Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation for Relief and Development launched the Clothing Project, which is organized during the summer and winter, to distribute winter clothes to the poor and needy families and families of orphans. The Foundation is affiliated with the Office…
Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation distributes heaters to families of orphans and the needy

Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation distributes heaters to families of orphans and the needy

Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation for Relief and Development, affiliated with the Office of the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq Al-Husseini Al-Shirazi in Karbala, continues to help the families of orphans and the needy, in cooperation with a number of…
Delegation of German Shia Converts visit Al-Askariyian Holy Shrine in Samarra

Delegation of German Shia Converts visit Al-Askariyian Holy Shrine in Samarra

Around 15 German Shia converts visited the Askariyan Holy Shrine in the holy city of Samarra, expressing their happiness for being honored with this blessed visit. The General Secretariat of the Holy Shrine, in a statement received by Shia Waves…
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