
Indian Space Company Launches Country’s Second Privately-Built Rocket

In a historic milestone for India’s burgeoning private space industry, Agnikul Cosmos successfully launched its Agnibaan rocket for the first time on Thursday after resolving previous technical issues, Reuters reported.

The customisable, two-stage launch vehicle designed to carry a payload of up to 300 kg (661 lb) into an orbit of about 700 kilometres’ altitude (435 miles) flew for two minutes to a maximum altitude, or apogee, of 8,076 metres before splashing down into the ocean.

This marks India’s second privately developed rocket to reach space, following Skyroot’s maiden flight in 2022.

It should be mentioned that Agnikul’s Agnibaan used a semi-cryogenic liquid engine, a first for the country’s space program.

The suborbital flight on Thursday was meant to test the new engine and 3D-printed parts.

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