
Terrorists attack military base in northeast Nigeria

Terrorists attack military base in northeast Nigeria

Five Nigerian soldiers were killed, four injured and dozens missing when ISIS-aligned terrorists attacked a military base in northeast Nigeria’s Borno state, two military officers told AFP Saturday.Terrorists from the so-called Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) on Friday dislodged…
Libyan calligrapher wrote a thousand Qurans and dreams of drawing a Quran in Arabic calligraphy

Libyan calligrapher wrote a thousand Qurans and dreams of drawing a Quran in Arabic calligraphy

The Libyan calligrapher Abd al-Salam al-Sarari wrote more than a thousand small Qurans, expressing his hope now to write a distinguished copy of the Holy Quran with the arts of Arabic calligraphy that he mastered, in order to decorate the…
Egypt: At Least 11 Killed, About 100 Injured in Train Crash North of Cairo

Egypt: At Least 11 Killed, About 100 Injured in Train Crash North of Cairo

Egyptian authorities say a passenger train accident Sunday north of Cairo has killed at least 11 people.Railway authorities say that at least four train wagons ran off the tracks at the city of Banha in Qalyubia province.The Health Ministry said…
At least 19 people killed in west Niger attack

At least 19 people killed in west Niger attack

At least 19 civilians were killed when armed men raided a village in west Niger close to the border with Mali, officials have said, in the latest bloodshed in the troubled region.The governor of Tillaberi region said dozens of heavily…
At least 40 migrants drown in shipwreck off Tunisia

At least 40 migrants drown in shipwreck off Tunisia

At least 40 migrants have drowned in a shipwreck off Tunisia as they tried to cross the Mediterranean to Italy, United Nations and Tunisian officials said.The Tunisian coast guard had so far recovered 21 bodies, all African migrants, and rescued…
Tens of thousands flee attacks on northeast Nigerian town: UN

Tens of thousands flee attacks on northeast Nigerian town: UN

As many as 65,000 people have fled the northeastern Nigerian town of Damasak following a series of attacks by an armed group, the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) said.Terrorists from the so-called Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) stormed the…
Former Sheikh of al-Azhar: The Site of Imam Hussain’s Head is revered among Egyptians

Former Sheikh of al-Azhar: The Site of Imam Hussain’s Head is revered among Egyptians

Sheikh Ali Gomaa, the former Grand Mufti of the Republic of Egypt and a senior member of the Council of Scholars in al-Azhar, reiterated the importance of the Site of the Head of Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, in…
Illiterate Egyptian man writes the longest handwritten Quran in the world

Illiterate Egyptian man writes the longest handwritten Quran in the world

An illiterate Egyptian man managed to write the longest handwritten Quran in the world after spending years of work and effort.Saad Muhammad Hashish, from the western province, is an illiterate man who taught himself reading and writing, and the art…
Preparations for the opening of Imam Hussein Mosque in Cairo during the great month of Ramadan

Preparations for the opening of Imam Hussein Mosque in Cairo during the great month of Ramadan

Egyptian volunteers organized a sterilization and cleaning campaign for the Imam Hussein Mosque in the Egyptian capital Cairo, in preparation for its opening during the great month of Ramadan.“One of the companies specialized in medical sterilization carried out a volunteer…
Symposium on the Status of Imam al-Mahdi and the Responsibilities of the Believers in Madagascar

Symposium on the Status of Imam al-Mahdi and the Responsibilities of the Believers in Madagascar

The Umm al-Baneen Center, affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority in the city of Majunga, Madagascar, held a symposium to commemorate the birth anniversary of Imam al-Mahdi, may Allah hasten his reappearance.The symposium was attended by a group of women…
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