Shia Medias

Al-Zahraa Satellite Channel begins broadcasting with new management team

Al-Zahraa Satellite Channel begins broadcasting with new management team

Al-Zahraa satellite channel officials announced that the channel began broadcasting on Hotbird in Turkish and Azeri languages.   Al-Zahraa satellite channel officials announced that the channel began broadcasting on Hotbird in Turkish and Azeri languages. The satellite channel broadcasts on…
Al-Ghadeer Satellite Channel starts broadcasting in Persian

Al-Ghadeer Satellite Channel starts broadcasting in Persian

 Founded by number of Ahl al-Bayt lovers, al-Ghadir satellite channel has started broadcasting in Persian.     Founded by number of Ahl al-Bayt lovers, al-Ghadir satellite channel has started broadcasting in Persian. Coinciding with Eid al-Ghadeer, al-Ghadir satellite channel kicked…
Imam al-Asr Satellite Channel launches in Persian

Imam al-Asr Satellite Channel launches in Persian

Coinciding with Eid al-Ghadeer, Imam al-Asr Satellite Channel has launched in Persian.      Coinciding with Eid al-Ghadeer, Imam al-Asr Satellite Channel has launched in Persian.  This came following the commandments of his eminence Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi,…
Al-Hawza al-Ilmia Satellite Channel begins broadcasting in Persian

Al-Hawza al-Ilmia Satellite Channel begins broadcasting in Persian

Al-Hawza al-Ilmia Satellite Channel has begun broadcasting in Persian, coinciding with the beginning of the new school year.     Al-Hawza al-Ilmia Satellite Channel has begun broadcasting in Persian, coinciding with the beginning of the new school year. The launch…
Imam al-Mahdi Channel coming soon

Imam al-Mahdi Channel coming soon

The establishment of Imam Mahdi satellite channel, may Allah hasten his reappearance, which specializes in the subject of Mahdism, will soon be publicly and officially announced.     The establishment of Imam Mahdi satellite channel, may Allah hasten his reappearance,…
Imam Hussein Group Channels re-broadcast on Galaxy satellite

Imam Hussein Group Channels re-broadcast on Galaxy satellite

Imam Hussein TV Group is re-broadcasting its Persian, Arabic and English channels on Galaxy satellite.       Imam Hussein TV Group is re-broadcasting its Persian, Arabic and English channels on Galaxy satellite. In this regard, the director of the…
“Fatima Zahra: From Birth to Martyrdom” is a book authored by Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Kazem Qazwini

“Fatima Zahra: From Birth to Martyrdom” is a book authored by Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Kazem Qazwini

Birth to Martyrdom”, written by Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Kazem Qazwini, includes topics taken from the Ahlul-bait’s traditions   A book titled, “Fatima Zahra: From Birth to Martyrdom”, written by Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Kazem Qazwini, includes topics taken from the Ahlul-bait’s…
Book fair launches in Bein al-Haramein on the occasion of the Fatimid Days

Book fair launches in Bein al-Haramein on the occasion of the Fatimid Days

Coinciding with the sorrowful tragedy of the Fatimid days   Coinciding with the sorrowful tragedy of the Fatimid days, the Holy Shrines of Imam Hussein and al-Abbas have organized a book fair in Bein al-Haramein Area, or the area between…
Imam Hussein TV Group rewards selected journalists for their service to Imam Hussein

Imam Hussein TV Group rewards selected journalists for their service to Imam Hussein

Imam Hussein TV group has rewarded a selected group of media directors and other journalists     In appreciation to the efforts provided to serve Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, and his beloved pilgrims during the annual massive pilgrimages…
Transference of Al-Zahraa TV to IMAM HUSSEIN MEDIA GROUP

Transference of Al-Zahraa TV to IMAM HUSSEIN MEDIA GROUP

On the 10th anniversary of the inauguration of Al-Zahraa TV   On the 10th anniversary of the inauguration of Al-Zahraa TV, a meeting was held with the attendance of Sayyed Mehdi Shirazi, director of the Karbala Office of Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi,…
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