Quranic Course for Teenagers Planned in Kuwait

Quranic Course for Teenagers Planned in Kuwait

The “Al-e Yasin” Quranic Center in Kuwait will organize a new summer Quranic course for teenagers.       The “Al-e Yasin” Quranic Center in Kuwait will organize a new summer Quranic course for teenagers. According to Qaaf news agency,…
Far-Right Swedish Politician Quits Over Islamophobic Posts

Far-Right Swedish Politician Quits Over Islamophobic Posts

A local politician for the far-right Sweden Democrats took a temporary break from politics after threatening to carry out a suicide bombing against a mosque, local media reported Thursday.       A local politician for the far-right Sweden Democrats…
Seven-Year-Old British Girl Memorizes Entire Quran

Seven-Year-Old British Girl Memorizes Entire Quran

A seven-year-old British Muslim girl has managed to learn the entire Quran by heart.        A seven-year-old British Muslim girl has managed to learn the entire Quran by heart.  Memorizing the Islamic holy book of Quran is challenging…
Report reveals UK prison imams are free to spread hatred in British prisons

Report reveals UK prison imams are free to spread hatred in British prisons

Muslim preachers approved by the Government are routinely distributing extremist literature in British prisons leaving hundreds of inmates at risks of radicalization, a leaked report has found.       Muslim preachers approved by the Government are routinely distributing extremist…
Conference on the Architecture of the Iranian World

Conference on the Architecture of the Iranian World

The University of St. Andrews in St Andrews, Scotland is holding a conference on the architecture of the Iranian world.     The University of St. Andrews in St Andrews, Scotland is holding a conference on the architecture of the…
Syria: Five civilians, including three children, killed by armed groups

Syria: Five civilians, including three children, killed by armed groups

Three children were killed and 5 others were injured in terrorist attacks by mortars targeted Kefraya town in the countryside of Idleb province last night, in a new breach of the cessation of hostilities agreement, local sources said.     …
Saudi Arabia paid ‘insufficient attention’ to extremist funding

Saudi Arabia paid ‘insufficient attention’ to extremist funding

President Barack Obama’s deputy national security adviser said that the government of Saudi Arabia had paid “insufficient attention” to money that was being funneled into terror groups and fueled the rise of Al Qaeda.        President Barack Obama’s…
Unveiling Al-Abbas’ New Holy Grille

Unveiling Al-Abbas’ New Holy Grille

Coinciding with the wonderful occasion of the birth anniversary of Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, the Holy Shrine of al-Abbas has unveiled the new holy grille of the shrine.     Coinciding with the wonderful occasion of…
Birth Anniversary of Imam Ali Celebrated Worldwide

Birth Anniversary of Imam Ali Celebrated Worldwide

Shias around the globe are decorating their houses and are holding celebrations for the auspicious occasion of the birth anniversary of the Father of the Imams, Ameer al-Mumineen, peace be upon him.        Shias around the globe are…
Shia Muslims in Morocco establish an organization to attack sectarianism

Shia Muslims in Morocco establish an organization to attack sectarianism

Shia Muslims in Morocco establish Progressive Missionaries Organization, after they were banned in 2013.     Shia Muslims in Morocco establish Progressive Missionaries Organization, after they were banned in 2013. Moroccan Shiites returned to what they said was a new…
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