Ahlulbayt OccasionsNEWSReligious Authority

Madagascar: Representative of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi confirms holding of Husseini sessions

The representative of the Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Hussaini al-Shirazi, in the city of Mahajanga, Madagascar, Hujjat-ul-Islam wa-al-Muslimeen Sheikh Muhammad Radi Wasram, described the Husseini ceremonies as educational institutions that have produced the best Shia generations.

Sheikh Wasram said in an interview with Shia Waves Agency: “Allah Almighty has bestowed His blessing upon the loyalists and lovers in Madagascar by making them among the Shia followers of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, and it is one of the divine blessings that only those with great luck will attain.”

He continued, “The city of Mahajanga is witnessing the birth of generations carrying the great Shia belief, and believing that their path must be paved with faith and service to the Prophet Muhammad and his family, peace be upon them.”

He added, “The Husseini ceremonies play the greatest role today and in the future in attracting young people and introducing them to the matters of their religion and acquainting them with the culture and principles of their pure Imams, peace be upon them.”

Sheikh Wasram also mentioned that “the office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi and its affiliated centeres are continue to hold Husseini and Quranic sessions which are widely attended by Shia followers of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them.”

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