Iraq: Border Crossing Authority discusses requirements of Arba’een Massive Pilgrimage

The Iraqi Border Crossing Authority held a meeting, in the presence of the chairman and board members to discuss the requirements of the Arba’een Massive Pilgrimage.
The Authority said in a statement seen by Shia Waves Agency that, “The board members discussed the needs and requirements of the Arba’een Pilgrimage on border crossings-related issues to facilitate the flow of the pilgrims coming from different countries.”
The statement said that “Coordination has been made with other governorates in order to provide the necessary support to ensure the success of the Arba’een, and to exert all efforts to facilitate the flow of pilgrims,” noting that it was agreed to “Organize the Husseini processions to more befit the specificity and high status of this massive event.”
Prior to and during the Arba’een Pilgrimage, millions of pilgrims from all over the world come into Iraq through border crossings, which continuously prompts the Iraqi government to exert more efforts to enable the honourable pilgrims to commemorate this religious event amid a state of security.