Ahlulbayt OccasionsNEWS

Hundreds of Husseini Mawakib to serve pilgrims during Mid-Sha’ban pilgrimage

The Department of Husseini Rituals and Mawakib in Holy Karbala has announced that 724 Hussaini Mawkib will participate in serving pilgrims during this year’s Mid-Sha’ban pilgrimage.

Kazem Saleh Mahdi, assistant head of the department, stated that the processions have collaborated to provide diverse services to pilgrims from Iraq and abroad. Authorities expect a rise in pilgrims numbers this year.

The Mawakib will ensure smooth operations while adhering to security regulations to maintain safety. The Mid-Sha’ban pilgrimage, marking the birth of Imam Imam al-Mahdi, is one of the largest religious gatherings in Holy Karbala.

Hussaini Mawakib offer food, drinks, health, and guidance services, reflecting the tradition of generosity associated with this occasion. Millions of believers visit Holy Karbala to commemorate this sacred event and pay tribute at the shrines of Imam Hussein and Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas, peace be upon them.

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