Ahlulbayt OccasionsNEWS

Syria: Al-Rasul Al-Azam Mosque organizes mourning gathering to commemorate Holy Arbaeen

A large gathering of Shia Muslims in Syria commemorated the Holy Arbaeen of of Imam Hussain, his family, and honourable companions, peace be upon them, in an atmosphere of sorrow and grief.

The al-Rasul al-Azam Mosque in the Syrian city of Masyaf organized a mourning assembly, where mourners gathered to express their heartfelt condolences and remember the sacrifices of Imam Hussain and his companions, peace be upon them.

Shia News Agency quoted local media as saying that the mourning assembly saw a large turnout from the Shia community in Masyaf, especially among the youth and women, who expressed their profound grief over the tragedy that befell the Prophet’s household in the painful events of Karbala.

The gathering featured various activities, including religious lectures, sessions of mourning and lamentation, and a theatrical performance depicting some of the events that happened to the Prophet’s family, peace be upon them, on the desert of Karbala.

It should be mentioned that more than 21 million people commemorated the Holy Arbaeen Pilgrimage of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, this year on the 20th of Safar in the Holy city of Karbala, amid tight security and service plans.

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