Ahlulbayt OccasionsBangladeshNEWS

Bangladesh: Shia and Sunni Muslims come together to commemorate Holy Arbaeen Pilgrimage

In the city of Khulna, Bangladesh, an extraordinary event occurred during the commemoration of Holy Arbaeen, an event that marks 40 days after the painful martyrdom of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him.

Sunni Muslims joined Shia Muslims in large numbers to participate in the Arbaeen procession, expressing their unity in the love for the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, and sharing in the sorrow over the tragedy of Karbala.

The procession began after an emotional mourning ceremony attended by a large number of Muslims from various sects. During the procession, the participants recited sorrowful poems, rhythmically beating their chests in a display of deep grief and anguish over the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, his family, and his companions in Holy Karbala.

In a symbolic gesture of Islamic unity, a joint prayer was held between followers of both Sunni and Shia sects after the mourning ceremony, serving as a symbol of solidarity and brotherhood among Muslims in the face of injustice.

Shia News Agency captured images showing majestic scene of participants marching through the streets of Khulna, carrying banners, expressing their love for Imam Hussain, Imam Hussein, peace be upon him.

This powerful scene highlighted the deep spiritual connection between different Islamic sects in Bangladesh and affirmed that the love for Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, unites hearts despite differing affiliations and backgrounds.

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