Ahlulbayt OccasionsNEWS

Holy Najaf hosts 2nd International Ghadir Poetry Festival

The holy city of Najaf has hosted the second edition of the “International Ghadir Poetry Festival,” featuring a select group of poets from Arab countries and the broader Islamic world, under the auspices of the Imam Ali Holy Shrine.

Hassanein Qaftan, Deputy Head of the Department of Intellectual and Cultural Affairs at the holy shrine, told Shia Waves Agency that this year’s festival hosted poets from Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, as well as a distinguished group of notable poets from Iraq.

Qaftan added that the festival featured esteemed poets whose rich poetry focused on the themes of the Ghadir event, particularly the appointment of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali, peace be upon him, as the successor to the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him and his family.

The festival aims to commemorate the Eid al-Ghadir, one of the most important religious holidays for Shia Muslims; on which they repledge their allegiance to Imam Ali, peace be upon him. The International Ghadir Poetry Festival is a significant cultural event that helps promote Islamic values and spread the true culture of Islam.

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