Ahlulbayt OccasionsIndiaNEWSReligious Authority

Office of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi in Lucknow celebrates blessed Eid al-Ghadir

The office of the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, in Lucknow, India, organized a celebration on the occasion of Eid al-Ghadir at the “Jannat Ma’ab” Hussainiya in the city.

The event was attended by a large number of scholars, religious students, and other followers of the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, in the city.

The representative of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi in Lucknow, Hujjat-ul-Islam Sheikh Mustafa Adeeb, said that the event witnessed a notable attendance and included various religious and cultural activities, adding that speeches and lectures were delivered, highlighting the event of Ghadir, one of the most significant events in Islamic history.

Sheikh Adeeb emphasized the importance of the Grand Marja’s recommendations to spread the culture of Ghadir worldwide, especially by the Hussaini preachers as we approach the months of Muharram and Safar, pointing out that this occasion carries an important message that should reach all Muslims around the world.

The director of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi’s office in India, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyed Saif Abbas Naqvi, delivered a speech on the necessity of propagating the culture of Ghadir globally, stressing that spreading this culture is a religious and ethical duty.

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