Ahlulbayt OccasionsNEWS

Renowned Britannica Encyclopedia publishes detailed report on Ahlulbayt school of thought

The renowned Britannica Encyclopedia has published a detailed report outlining the emergence and spread of the Ahlulbayt school of thought around the world.

In its report, seen by Shia Waves Agency, the Encyclopedia said that this school of thought first emerged after the martyrdom of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, as divisions began among the newly converted tribes, especially those who embraced Islam after the conquest of Mecca.

The report continued that despite the Prophet’s recommendations, particularly the al-Thaqlain Narration, leaders of these tribes refused to relinquish leadership, leading to secret meetings where leadership was passed down, resulting in corruption and favoritism during the reign of the third caliph, ultimately leading to his mysterious death.

The authors of the report praised the Shia in Iraq for enabling Imam Ali, peace be upon him, to be their leader and to resolve the conflicts during the battles of Jamal and Siffin, after he chose Kufa to be his capital.

It emphasized that despite subsequent conspiracies against the Islamic message by leaders in the Muslim world, the descendants of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, adhered to his teachings in correcting deviations through strong leadership.

The Britannica Encyclopedia highlighted the significant event of the Battle of Karbala where Imam Hussein, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, was martyred by the Umayyad army in 61 AH.

It concluded by detailing revolutions ignited by followers of the Shia school against deviant regimes in later Islamic history, emphasizing their lasting impact on the present state of this school of thought.

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