Ahlulbayt OccasionsNEWS

Governor of Holy Karbala meets with Pakistan’s Ambassador to Iraq

The Governor of Holy Karbala, Engineer Nassif Jassem Al-Khattabi, met with the Pakistani Ambassador to Iraq, Muhammad Zeeshan Ahmed, during his visit to the holy city, the governor’s office said in a statement received by Shia Waves Agency.

The two officials discussed prospects of cooperation between the local government in Holy Karbala and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan as well as the entry of pilgrims during the Holy Arba’een of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him.

According to the statement, the Pakistani ambassador expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the local government of Holy Karbala for its significant efforts in organizing the movement and stay of millions of pilgrims from across the world, including pilgrims from Pakistan.

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