Large numbers of Shia pilgrims continue their walk towards Holy Karbala to mark mid-Sha’ban pilgrimage

Shia followers of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, have continued their journey towards the holy city of Karbala to commemorate the birth of the awaited Imam al-Mahdi, may Allah Almighty hasten his honourable reappearance.
Shia Waves correspondent in Holy Karbala reported that “crowds of pilgrims, especially young people, are marching from the southern provinces towards the holy city of Karbala to participate in the Mid-Sha’ban Pilgrimage.”
The blessed pilgrimage has garnered significant attention and commitment from the lovers and followers of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, to renew their allegiance and loyalty to the Prophet and his pure family, peace be upon them.
The local government has launched security and health plans to provide the best of services to the hounorable pilgrims during their commemoration of this holy visit.