
Pakistani academic: Imam Ali’s letter to Malik al-Ashtar is a global model for good governance

Pakistani academic Dr. Arslan Mehdi Nekokara emphasized that the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him), was not merely a religious and spiritual symbol but also one of the greatest leaders who established principles of justice and integrity in governance.

Nekokara pointed out that Imam Ali’s famous letter to Malik al-Ashtar, which has gained global recognition and reached the halls of the United Nations, represents a timeless model of good governance and just administration of the state.

Dr. Nekokara, an academic at the University of Punjab in Lahore, explained that this letter, documented in the book “Nahj al-Balagha”, is a fundamental reference for principles of justice, human rights, and wise governance.

He noted that the letter was cited at the United Nations Forum on Good Governance in 2002, where it was presented as a historical model of ethical governance and public service alongside global documents such as the Magna Carta and the federal constitutions of several countries.

He added that this letter continues to be taught today in leadership development programs, both in Islamic and non-Islamic environments, due to the universal human values it carries, which are suitable for any governance system striving to achieve justice and transparency.

Nekokara noted that modern experiences confirm that countries adopting principles of justice and equality achieve greater stability and sustainable development, citing examples such as Canada and the Netherlands, which rank highly on the Human Development Index due to their inclusive policies, in contrast to countries suffering from social unrest due to significant economic inequality.

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