Grand Ayatollah Shirazi calls for securing rights and welfare of religious minorities

The Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, has called for ensuring the rights and welfare of religious minorities, granting them a life of dignity and security on par with other members of the societies in which they live.
His Eminence emphasized that the responsibility for securing these rights lies with the governments of those nations, noting that providing such care is a cornerstone of just and humane governance.
In a statement published on the official website of his office, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi cited the governance of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib as a historical model for protecting the rights of minorities. He stated, “In the realm of economics and ensuring the livelihoods of minorities, Imam Ali did not leave a single impoverished individual among the People of the Book during his rule without guaranteeing their livelihood.”
He highlighted the care Imam Ali, peace be upon him, devoted to the human rights of all citizens, including religious minorities. His Eminence also noted that Imam Ali applied principles of justice and equality in Islamic judiciary practices, treating rulers and individuals from minority groups equally. This, the Grand Marja said, serves as an exemplary model for peaceful coexistence among all members of society.
Grand Ayatollah Shirazi frequently urges leaders in Islamic countries to draw inspiration from the lofty humanitarian values established by Imam Ali and the Imams of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, emphasizing that implementing these values represents a path capable of achieving justice and prosperity for nations and peoples.