Grand Ayatollah ShiraziNEWS

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi describes Iraq’s 1920 Revolution as a “Revolution of Steadfastness”

The Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, referred to the historic 1920 Revolution as the “Revolution of Steadfastness,” praising its pivotal role in resisting and defeating British colonialism, which was the world’s superpower at the time.

The Grand Marja’s remarks came through the official website of his office as the 105th anniversary of the revolution approaches, a significant moment in Iraq’s modern history.

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi highlighted that “the 1920 Revolution, over a century ago, saw thousands of believers rise against British colonialism, which was then the strongest force on Earth,” emphasizing that “the Iraqi people, especially the faithful among them, made great sacrifices in resisting British rule, marking a major turning point in Iraq’s journey towards independence and sovereignty.”

In his daily speeches and gatherings attended by scholars and believers, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi consistently honors the role of the revolution’s leader, Ayatollah Mirza Sheikh Muhammad Taqi Shirazi, whose fatwa and leadership ignited the revolution and guided the Iraqi people in resisting the occupation.

His Eminence emphasized the importance of preserving the legacy and values of the revolution, urging that its principles stay ingrained in the hearts of believers and Iraqis to ensure the continued spirit of resistance and the ability to overcome tyranny.

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