Science & Technology

New Rice Variety Offers Hope in Diabetes Fight

Scientists in the Philippines have developed a new rice variety with a lower glycaemic index and higher protein content, potentially helping to combat diabetes, particularly in Asia and Africa.

Currently, over 537 million adults globally live with diabetes, a number expected to rise significantly by 2045. Traditional white rice, widely consumed in Asia, is linked to spikes in blood sugar and increased diabetes risk.

Researchers at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) screened 380 rice seed samples over ten years to identify genes for healthier rice. Dr. Nese Sreenivasulu highlighted that incorporating this rice into diets could benefit those with diabetes and help reduce incidence rates.

However, Dr. Lindsey Smith Taillie cautioned that sugary drinks and ultra-processed foods are greater diabetes risks than rice itself. She advocates for comprehensive policies, including taxes on sugary beverages, to promote healthier eating habits and combat rising diabetes rates effectively.

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