Grand Ayatollah ShiraziNEWS

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi calls on rulers to uphold justice and equality in governance

The Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, advised rulers, particularly in Islamic countries, to follow the example of the Holy Prophet Muhammad and Imam Ali in governance by treating themselves and their citizens equally.

In brief statements published on the website of his office in honor of the birth of the Holy Prophet and Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq, peace be upon them, the Grand Marja emphasized that “the true ruler is the one who equates himself with his subjects, even if they are from a different faith,” stressing that a just ruler accepts governance, even if it conflicts with their personal interests.

Ayatollah Shirazi added, “The foundation of all success is justice, in everything and everywhere,” affirming that justice and equality are the two essential pillars for any success or stability in society and governance.

These recommendations are part of Ayatollah Shirazi’s continuous calls for rulers to adhere to the principles of Islam in justice and equality, and to avoid discrimination, given their significant impact on the stability and progress of society.

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