Science & Technology

Revolutionary Magnetic Prosthetic Hand Transforms Lives of Amputees

Researchers at the BioRobotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa have developed a groundbreaking magnetic prosthetic hand that allows amputees to control robotic fingers through thought alone, SciTeck Daily reported today.

This innovative system, which requires no wires, uses small implanted magnets in the forearm muscles to decode motor intentions. The first human trial involved a 34-year-old Italian named Daniel, who lost his left hand in 2022. After undergoing surgery in April 2023 to implant six magnets, Daniel successfully controlled the prosthesis for six weeks, performing everyday tasks like opening jars and using tools.

The results were published in Science Robotics. The project, part of the MYKI initiative funded by the European Commission, aims to enhance the quality of life for amputees, with ongoing support from various European and national funding sources.

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