
Indonesian scholar says Nahj-ul-Balagha is an interpretation of the Holy Quran

Indonesian scholar says Nahj-ul-Balagha is an interpretation of the Holy Quran

Dean of Osul Deen College of Pontianak Islamic University in Indonesia described Nahj-ul-Balaqa or Peak of Eloquence as the interpretation of the Quran.     Addressing a seminar held on “Teachings of Nahj-ul-Balaqa”, the scholar added that (after the Quran)…
Canadians scrub hate messages off mosque

Canadians scrub hate messages off mosque

A mosque in the north-eastern Alberta city in Canada was vandalized; spray-painted with “go home.”   The vandalism included that phrase, which was spray-painted above the front door of the place of worship for Muslims. The mosque’s windows were also…
Islamic books exhibition concluded in New Delhi

Islamic books exhibition concluded in New Delhi

 The 7th International Islamic Book Fair, which opened in the Indian capital city of New Delhi on October 18, concluded today.   Publishers from India as well as a number of other countries including Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, Lebanon, US, and…
Banner of Imam Hussein raised on the rock of Trolltunga in Norway

Banner of Imam Hussein raised on the rock of Trolltunga in Norway

A Lebanese resident of Norway has raised the banner of Imam Hussain, peace be upon him, over one of the most dangerous places of the world; the rock of ‘Trolltunga’   Trolltunga or Troll’s tongue is a piece of rock…
Muharram mourning ceremonies begin across cities in Nigeria

Muharram mourning ceremonies begin across cities in Nigeria

Members of the Shia community in Nigeria have begun holding Ashura mourning ceremonies across the country. In Kaduna the gathering took place at the Islamic center located at Zango area with a crowd of people in attendance. It began with…
Boston police name 1st Muslim captain

Boston police name 1st Muslim captain

Boston police has named the first Muslim Captain, Haseeb Hussein, who was a former science teacher.   Hussein assumes leadership in Mattapan as the department’s first Muslim captain, and plans to have his officers walking not only the streets, but…
Hoisting the black flag of Imam Hussein above the dome of a Husainiyyah in Nigeria

Hoisting the black flag of Imam Hussein above the dome of a Husainiyyah in Nigeria

Hundreds of thousands of Shias witnessed the hoisting of a black banner on the dome of a Husainiyyah in Zaria on the occasion of Muharram.   The flag was a donation from the holy shrine of Imam Hussain, peace be…
Latino reverts find identity in Islam

Latino reverts find identity in Islam

A growing number of Latinos have been reverting to Islam, seeing its teachings and guidance as setting their lives in order.   Over the past decades, a growing number of Latino Americans have reverted to Islam, and about 6 percent…
Concerns over rise of Salafism in the country

Concerns over rise of Salafism in the country

 The rise of Salafism or Wahhabism in Malaysia has resulted in controversial edicts (fatwas) being issued, to the extent of interfering in the personal lives of Muslims.   An associate professor at the Sociology Department at National University of Singapore,…
Amnesty International says appalling death sentence against Shia cleric must be quashed

Amnesty International says appalling death sentence against Shia cleric must be quashed

Deputy Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Program said that the death sentence against Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr is part of a campaign by the authorities in Saudi Arabia to crush all dissent, including those defending the…
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