
Significant rise in number of Muslims fasting in Latin America

Significant rise in number of Muslims fasting in Latin America

With the start of the holy month of Ramadan   With the start of the holy month of Ramadan, Latinos are noticing that a significant number of their neighbors have started observing fasting and other Islamic rituals pertaining to Ramadan,…
Saudi regime spies on Bahrain’s Shias

Saudi regime spies on Bahrain’s Shias

whistleblower documents released   Some of the documents released by the whistleblower website WikiLeaks reveal that Saudi Arabia has been spying on Shia Muslims in Bahrain. Mir’at al-Bahrain website reported that it has been revealed from communications between Saudi Arabia’s Foreign…
OWASA Institute marks Ramadan with charity program

OWASA Institute marks Ramadan with charity program

directives of the Eminent Sayed Sadiq Hussaini Shirazi   Following the directives of the Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Hussaini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, on the necessity of taking care of the needy during the month of Ramadan, OWASA…
Dutch PM criticized for wishing Muslims happy Ramadan

Dutch PM criticized for wishing Muslims happy Ramadan

Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte got a storm of criticism after wishing Muslims a nice Ramadan   The Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte got a storm of criticism after wishing Muslims a nice Ramadan. It was…
Thousands protest against PEGIDA

Thousands protest against PEGIDA

Nearly two thousand people protested in the German city of Frankfurt   Nearly two thousand people protested in the German city of Frankfurt against a march held by the far-right movement Patriotic EuropeansAgainst the Islamization of the West, also known…
Takfiri Wahabi thugs target Shia Mosque in Bradford

Takfiri Wahabi thugs target Shia Mosque in Bradford

Anti-Shia graffiti was witnessed outside Shia Mosque   Anti-Shia graffiti was witnessed outside Shia Mosque ‘Masjid Imam Ali, peace be upon him’ in Bradford as Takfiri Wahabi thugs made threatening situation against Shia Community in Bradford, in a style of…
American Muslims urge communities to defeat hatred with tolerance

American Muslims urge communities to defeat hatred with tolerance

Leaders of Baltimore Muslim community have called for a Ramadan   Leaders of Baltimore Muslim community have called for a Ramadan ‘Day of Prayer’ for healing, after Charleston Church massacre. The attack came last Wednesday on Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal…
South African Muslims launch Ramadan charity drive

South African Muslims launch Ramadan charity drive

Launching war on hunger during the holy month of Ramadan   Launching war on hunger during the holy month of Ramadan,a group of Islamic organizations have been racing to offer food to the needy people across Africa all through the…
Japan offers $3.5 million to help Rohingya boat people

Japan offers $3.5 million to help Rohingya boat people

Japan has offered a $3.5 million to help the Rohingya boat people who have fled Myanmar   Japan has offered a $3.5 million to help the Rohingya boat people who have fled Myanmar where they faced severe discrimination. Foreign Minister…
“Fast with a Muslim” campaign launched in Canada aiming to promote interfaith tolerance

“Fast with a Muslim” campaign launched in Canada aiming to promote interfaith tolerance

Canadian Muslims are inviting people of all religions to join   Canadian Muslims are inviting people of all religions to join them in breaking their daily fast during the holy month of Ramadan. Through the “Fast with a Muslim Friend”…
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