
Latino reverts find identity in Islam

Latino reverts find identity in Islam

A growing number of Latinos have been reverting to Islam, seeing its teachings and guidance as setting their lives in order.   Over the past decades, a growing number of Latino Americans have reverted to Islam, and about 6 percent…
Concerns over rise of Salafism in the country

Concerns over rise of Salafism in the country

 The rise of Salafism or Wahhabism in Malaysia has resulted in controversial edicts (fatwas) being issued, to the extent of interfering in the personal lives of Muslims.   An associate professor at the Sociology Department at National University of Singapore,…
Amnesty International says appalling death sentence against Shia cleric must be quashed

Amnesty International says appalling death sentence against Shia cleric must be quashed

Deputy Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Program said that the death sentence against Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr is part of a campaign by the authorities in Saudi Arabia to crush all dissent, including those defending the…
Italy’s Islamic Center says Islam is not terror but religion of peace

Italy’s Islamic Center says Islam is not terror but religion of peace

 The Muslim community in the Italian capital and authorities together gathered to say no to the violence of extremists from the so-called Islamic State and make the right distinctions between terror and the Muslim religion, which is a religion of…
Racial and religious hate crimes on the rise in UK

Racial and religious hate crimes on the rise in UK

Racial and religious hate crimes are on the rise in Britain with the number of reported cases hitting record figures.   A new Home Office report showed racial hate crimes made up 84 percent of all hate crimes in Britain,…
Court upholds Hijab ban in Lagos schools

Court upholds Hijab ban in Lagos schools

A Nigerian court has maintained a ban on Islamic headscarf in Lagos public primary and secondary schools.   In a Friday session at the High Court in Lagos, the judge said that the Lagos government had been correct in seeking…
Islamic center in Oslo to hold seminar on “Islam and Today’s Challenges”

Islamic center in Oslo to hold seminar on “Islam and Today’s Challenges”

 The Tauheed Islamic Center in the Norwegian capital of Oslo plans to hold a seminar this weekend on the theme of Islam and Today’s Challenges.   It is slated to be held at the center on Saturday, October 18. The…
World halal expo 2014 to be held in Thailand

World halal expo 2014 to be held in Thailand

The Halal Institute, Prince of Songkla University, in Thailand has invited halal producers nationwide along with buyers and exporters to an international conference and halal product trade fair between October 30 and November 2.   Through the event, the institute…
Sweden appoints first Muslim minister

Sweden appoints first Muslim minister

 A 27-year-old Bosnian Muslim immigrant has been named the new Swedish minister of education, setting a role model for young, active Muslims.   According to reports, the minister, Aida Hadzialic, was named earlier in October in Stefan Löfven new cabinet…
Hollywood star ‘Ben Affleck’ attacked for defending Islam

Hollywood star ‘Ben Affleck’ attacked for defending Islam

 The surprisingly passionate response of Ben Affleck, an Oscar-winning actor and director, to TV host Bill Maher and author Sam Harris’s depictions of Islam as “gross” and “racist” has made him a target of US conservative groups which sarcastically gave…
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