
Dutch young Muslims hand out free Qurans

Dutch young Muslims hand out free Qurans

A group of young Muslims decided to celebrate King’s Day by handing out 15 thousand free Qurans in 13 Dutch cities   A group of young Muslims decided to celebrate King’s Day by handing out 15 thousand free Qurans in…
North Texas Muslims Open Their Mosques to Questions

North Texas Muslims Open Their Mosques to Questions

Several mosques around North Texas held the First Annual Open Mosque Day, inviting anyone with questions about Islam to come in and ask   Several mosques around North Texas held the First Annual Open Mosque Day, inviting anyone with questions…
Nigerian troops kill senior Boko Haram commander

Nigerian troops kill senior Boko Haram commander

Nigerian security forces have killed a senior commander of Boko Haram Takfiri group during a gun battle in the country’s northeast, the army spokesman said   Nigerian security forces have killed a senior commander of Boko Haram Takfiri group during…
Politician warns of establishing Islamic State by Salafists in Germany

Politician warns of establishing Islamic State by Salafists in Germany

A report from an influential group of politicians has warned that a huge rise in the Islamist scene in Germany has led to reports that radical Islamists want to establish their own state in Germany   A report from an…
UN says extremists resort to rape as war tactic

UN says extremists resort to rape as war tactic

A new report by the United Nations has revealed that rape has been turned into a tactic of war in the hands of Takfiri terror groups such as IS and Boko Haram   A new report by the United Nations…
German radio airs weekly Quran interpretation program

German radio airs weekly Quran interpretation program

German public radio station has started broadcasting weekly programs on interpretation of the Holy Quran aiming to introduce the true Islam   German public radio station has started broadcasting weekly programs on interpretation of the Holy Quran aiming to introduce…
More than 30% of Arab youth jobless

More than 30% of Arab youth jobless

A top labour official said that more than 30 percent of young Arabs are jobless because of unrest in many Arab nations and not enough investment   A top labour official said that more than 30 percent of young Arabs…
Free Muslim Organization calls on Obama to urge Gulf leaders respecting human rights

Free Muslim Organization calls on Obama to urge Gulf leaders respecting human rights

After the announcement of the president of the United States, Barack Obama to host a number of Gulf leaders during the next month, Non- Violence World Organization (Free Muslim) has called on President Obama to urge them respect human rights…
Boko Haram suicide bomber target Shia mosque in Nigeria

Boko Haram suicide bomber target Shia mosque in Nigeria

A suicide bomber was killed while trying to attack a Shiite mosque in Yobe state in northeast Nigeria   A suicide bomber was killed while trying to attack a Shiite mosque in Yobe state in northeast Nigeria. The would-be bomber…
Saudi airstrikes target mosques in Yemen and Saudi military spokesman prays with his shoes

Saudi airstrikes target mosques in Yemen and Saudi military spokesman prays with his shoes

Saudi media leaked a photo for the spokesman of Saudi military Ahmed Asiri while he was praying wearing his shoes. The photo made controversy over the possibility of praying while wearing ones shoes. According to the fatwas of Sunni scholars,…
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