
New York public schools to close on two Muslim holidays

New York public schools to close on two Muslim holidays

New York public schools will add two Muslim holidays   New York public schools will add two Muslim holidays to their vacation calendars; a policy change that was hailed by Islamic leaders in New York City. Under the new policy,…
New survey shows Islam most popular among Chinese youth

New survey shows Islam most popular among Chinese youth

Islam is followed by Catholicism which is followed by 22% of Chinese youth   Reflecting the rapid growth of the world’s second largest religion, a recent survey found that Islam has the largest number followers among Chinese under the age…
Swedish politician slammed for suggesting Halal food ‘turns people into Muslims’

Swedish politician slammed for suggesting Halal food ‘turns people into Muslims’

Öhman’s comments have been criticised and mocked in the social media   A Swedish councillor, Michael Öhman, belonging to a local wing of the Sweden Democrat party is facing criticism for suggesting that Halal meat has magical powers that turn…
American Muslims help rebuild burned churches

American Muslims help rebuild burned churches

Showing solidarity with African Americans   Showing solidarity with African Americans, a galaxy of Muslim organizations and activists have launched a fundraising campaign to help rebuild black churches across the south that have been target of arson over the last…
UK Police criticised for not arresting man carrying IS flag near parliament

UK Police criticised for not arresting man carrying IS flag near parliament

 British capital of London have been slammed for their failure to detain a man purportedly wandering near the parliament building while draped in a flag of the Takfiri IS terrorist group     The Metropolitan police in the British capital…
New Muslims consider Ramadan a spiritually learning experience

New Muslims consider Ramadan a spiritually learning experience

New Muslims described the experience of fasting for a month   New Muslims described the experience of fasting for a month is one that is both thought-provoking and peaceful. They consider Ramadan a spiritually learning experience and what they describe…
Vandals desecrate Muslim graves

Vandals desecrate Muslim graves

several Muslim graves in a Nottingham cemetery have been vandalized in the wake of Tunisia terror attack   In an apparent hate crime, several Muslim graves in a Nottingham cemetery have been vandalized in the wake of Tunisia terror attack,…
France says it deported 40 imams since 2012 for ‘preaching hatred’

France says it deported 40 imams since 2012 for ‘preaching hatred’

France said it had deported 40 foreign imams for “preaching hatred”   Days after a gruesome attack at a gas factory, France said it had deported 40 foreign imams for “preaching hatred” over the past three years, a quarter of…
US veiled student named (best dressed)

US veiled student named (best dressed)

A New Jersey Muslim has been named best-dressed female senior student   A New Jersey Muslim has been named best-dressed female senior student, breaking down negative stereotypes of women wearing the Islamic headscarf. Winning the best-dressed vote at Clifton High…
Ramadan exhibition held in Kazakhstan

Ramadan exhibition held in Kazakhstan

An exhibition entitled “Month of Quran and Ramadan” has been held in in Almaty, Kazakhstan. An exhibition entitled “Month of Quran and Ramadan” has been held in in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Various copies of the Holy Quran and rare Quran translations…
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