
Nigerian women reject hijab ban calls

Nigerian women reject hijab ban calls

A leading Nigerian civil rights group has condemned calls to ban hijab in northern Nigeria   A leading Nigerian civil rights group has condemned calls to ban hijab in northern Nigeria, warning that any such ban would offer no solution…
Indonesian couple start writing Quran in braille

Indonesian couple start writing Quran in braille

the two aim to publish their work after its completion   Blind couples in Indonesia’s East Java province have embarked on a project to inscribe the entire Quran in Braille. According to reports, the two aim to publish their work…
Quran and Islamic Art exhibition underway in New Delhi

Quran and Islamic Art exhibition underway in New Delhi

An exhibition titled ‘Quran and Islamic Art’ was launched in the Indian capital of New Delhi   An exhibition titled ‘Quran and Islamic Art’ was launched in the Indian capital of New Delhi.  The expo features four sections including Kitaba…
Popular poetic festival held in Sweden to support Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units

Popular poetic festival held in Sweden to support Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units

supporting Shia fighters who are fighting takfiri groups     Following the directives of the Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, on supporting Shia fighters who are fighting takfiri groups; Assadullah caravan has held…
Construction of first Mosque in Athens to start soon

Construction of first Mosque in Athens to start soon

Construction of the first mosque in Athens will start as soon   Construction of the first mosque in Athens will start as soon as final details of the much-delayed project are ironed out and the building permit is about to…
Detroit-area Muslims unnerved by FBI surveillance plane circling above

Detroit-area Muslims unnerved by FBI surveillance plane circling above

The FBI repeatedly flew a spy plane in the last week over Dearborn   The FBI repeatedly flew a spy plane in the last week over Dearborn, Michigan, a city with one of the highest populations of Muslims in the…
Shia Rights Watch mapping responsible parties of anti-Shia violence

Shia Rights Watch mapping responsible parties of anti-Shia violence

According to Shia Rights Watch reports there have been a total of 2,959 Shia killed and 3,662 wounded in various bombings   From January till July 2015 According to Shia Rights Watch reports there have been a total of 2,959…
Iowans plan 1,000 anti-gay marriage billboards

Iowans plan 1,000 anti-gay marriage billboards

Anti-gay billboards have been spotted in Michigan in the past   Anti-gay billboards have been spotted in Michigan in the past, and the message of intolerance is now spreading beyond. Iowa couple,  Betty and Dick Odgaard, have plans to buy…
PEGIDA opponents and supporters stage demos in Germany

PEGIDA opponents and supporters stage demos in Germany

Around 400 followers of PEGIDA and its offshoot in Leipzig (LEGIDA)   The supporters and opponents of the German anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant PEGIDA movement have staged separate demonstrations in the eastern German city of Leipzig to protest against the policies…
Russia kills eight IS terrorists close to Chechnya (Ingushetia- Chechnya)

Russia kills eight IS terrorists close to Chechnya (Ingushetia- Chechnya)

Russia’s Anti-Terrorist Committee said that eight IS terrorists were killed in combat west of Chechnya   Russia’s Anti-Terrorist Committee said that eight IS terrorists were killed in combat in the province of Ingushetia, west of Chechnya. The statement, published by Russian…
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