
German Police foil attack on refugee shelter

German Police foil attack on refugee shelter

The police said that far-right extremists planned to use “highly dangerous explosives”   Reflecting growing danger posed by far-right in Germany, police have foiled a far-right attack on refugee shelters in Bavaria, amid increasing violence and threats against refugees. The…
Muslims and Christians mark Ashura in Nigeria

Muslims and Christians mark Ashura in Nigeria

Muslims and some of the Christian community in Kaduna   Muslims and some of the Christian community in Kaduna, Nigeria commemorated the Day of Ashura. There had been daily mourning sessions, which ended in a large procession on Saturday that…
A Palestinian arrested in Denmark after firing at Ashura mourning ceremony

A Palestinian arrested in Denmark after firing at Ashura mourning ceremony

Police in Demark arrested a Palestinian for opening fire at Ashura mourning ceremony   Police in Demark arrested a Palestinian for opening fire at Ashura mourning ceremony in Copenhagen on Saturday, according to Nabaa’ News Agency. An informed source told…
Sixteen arrested Malaysian Shias at Ashura mourning ceremony released on bail

Sixteen arrested Malaysian Shias at Ashura mourning ceremony released on bail

Sixteen of the Malaysian Shias, who were arrested two days ago at the mourning ceremony of Imam Hussein   Sixteen of the Malaysian Shias, who were arrested two days ago at the mourning ceremony of Imam Hussein, peace be upon…
ISIS claims devastating Bangladesh bombings against Shia Muslims

ISIS claims devastating Bangladesh bombings against Shia Muslims

The so-called Islamic State terrorists have claimed responsibility for bombings   The so-called Islamic State terrorists have claimed responsibility for bombings that targeted Shias in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, on Saturday. The monitor group SITE cited ISIS as saying…
Malaysian police raids Shia mourners

Malaysian police raids Shia mourners

Malaysian police raided a mourning ceremony at the Imam Redha Hussainiyah   Malaysian police raided a mourning ceremony at the Imam Redha Hussainiyah in Kuala Lumpur. Five years ago, security forces of Selangor province also raided Shia mourners on the…
BBC insults Husseini rituals

BBC insults Husseini rituals

The BBC claimed the decision came to prevent Shias from practicing   After the Egyptian authorities’ decision of closing Imam Hussein Mosque in Cairo on the eve of Ashura, BBC has insulted the followers of Ahlul Bait, peace be upon…
Shia Rights Watch slams closing Imam Hussein Mosque in Cairo

Shia Rights Watch slams closing Imam Hussein Mosque in Cairo

Shia Rights Watch Organization has slammed the Egyptian Ministry of Endowment’s move to close the Mosque of Imam Hussein   Shia Rights Watch Organization has slammed the Egyptian Ministry of Endowment’s move to close the Mosque of Imam Hussein, peace…
PEGIDA wants Muslims and refugees in Nazi camps

PEGIDA wants Muslims and refugees in Nazi camps

PEGIDA has come under investigation after one of its speakers suggested that the country must reopen Nazi-era   The German far-right anti-Islam movement PEGIDA has come under investigation after one of its speakers suggested that the country must reopen Nazi-era…
Ayatollahs Sheikh al-Nimr and Sheikh Bashir al-Najafi urge followers of Ahlul Bait to practice Tatb`er

Ayatollahs Sheikh al-Nimr and Sheikh Bashir al-Najafi urge followers of Ahlul Bait to practice Tatb`er

Sheikh NimrBaqir al-Nimr also urged Shias to practice the Husseini rituals, and to do Tatb`er   The Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Bashir al-Najafi urged followers of Ahlul-Bait, peace be upon them, to practice the sacred ritual of Tatb`er. Ayatollah Sheikh NimrBaqir…
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