
Nigerian army kills several Shias

Nigerian army kills several Shias

Nigerian military forces have killed several Shia Muslims   Nigerian military forces have killed several Shia Muslims who had gathered to attend a religious ceremony north of the country. Local media said that at least seven people were killed after…
Finnish court to hold twins in custody over Iraq massacre

Finnish court to hold twins in custody over Iraq massacre

A Finnish court was expected to remand in custody Iraqi twin brothers   A Finnish court was expected to remand in custody Iraqi twin brothers suspected of killing 11 people in a massacre by the so-called Islamic State terrorist group…
Muslim schoolgirl in New York called ‘ISIS’ and put into headlock and punched

Muslim schoolgirl in New York called ‘ISIS’ and put into headlock and punched

A Muslim girl student was attacked at her New York middle school   A Muslim girl student was attacked at her New York middle school by three schoolmates who referred to the girl as a terrorist and tried ripping off…
Boko Haram terrorists kill 14 in northeast Nigeria

Boko Haram terrorists kill 14 in northeast Nigeria

At least 14 people have been killed   At least 14 people have been killed, among them some decapitated, by terrorists from Boko Haram Takfiri terrorist group in an attack on a village in northeast Nigeria. A resident said that…
Muhammad Ali calls on US Muslims to stand up against Islamophobia

Muhammad Ali calls on US Muslims to stand up against Islamophobia

Boxing legend Muhammad Ali criticized Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump   Boxing legend Muhammad Ali criticized Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States, calling on Muslims “to stand up to those who use…
American Muslims raise more than $100,000 for families of San Bernardino shooting victim

American Muslims raise more than $100,000 for families of San Bernardino shooting victim

Muslims launched a campaign called the Muslims United for San Bernardino   American Muslims launched a campaign called the Muslims United for San Bernardino by which they raised more than $100,000 from more than 1,000 donors across the country, including…
Facebook founder voices support for Muslims

Facebook founder voices support for Muslims

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has added his voice to the growing chorus of people   Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has added his voice to the growing chorus of people defending the Muslim community amongst the upsurge in Islamophobic rhetoric in…
Muslim anti-ISIS march not covered by mainstream media

Muslim anti-ISIS march not covered by mainstream media

Organizers of an anti-ISIS march that took place in London last week   Organizers of an anti-ISIS march that took place in London last week have spoken out after mainstream media outlets failed to cover it. Thousands of people took…
Canadian Muslim women hand out roses as a thank-you for Toronto’s support

Canadian Muslim women hand out roses as a thank-you for Toronto’s support

A group of Muslim women in Toronto, Canada handed out a thousand roses in Nathan Phillips Square   A group of Muslim women in Toronto, Canada handed out a thousand roses in Nathan Phillips Square as a thank you for the support…
British secret intelligence service reveals Saudi Arabia’s doomsday plot against Shias

British secret intelligence service reveals Saudi Arabia’s doomsday plot against Shias

British secret service has revealed that Prince Bandar bin Sultan   British secret service has revealed that Prince Bandar bin Sultan, once the powerful Saudi ambassador in Washington and head of the Saudi intelligence until a few months ago, had…
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