
Muslims Fight Hunger in Alabama

Muslims Fight Hunger in Alabama

In a bid to change the wrong narrative on Islam, American Muslim groups will join hands later this week to help the needy in Alabama, volunteering for National Soup Kitchen Day.       In a bid to change the…
“Jesus in Quran and Bible” Exhibition in Greece

“Jesus in Quran and Bible” Exhibition in Greece

An exhibition of Arabic calligraphy titled “Jesus in Quran and Bible” was held in Athens, the capital city of Greece.     An exhibition of Arabic calligraphy titled “Jesus in Quran and Bible” was held in Athens, the capital city…
Right-wing says: Islam is not part of Germany and there should be ban on Muslims’ minarets

Right-wing says: Islam is not part of Germany and there should be ban on Muslims’ minarets

Delegates from the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party have backed an election manifesto which slams Islam as incompatible with the country’s constitution and calls for a ban on Islamic symbols.     Delegates from the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany…
Illegal Muslim prayer hall blown up in Russia after police find explosives inside

Illegal Muslim prayer hall blown up in Russia after police find explosives inside

Explosives found in an illegal Muslim prayer hall near the Russian city of Samara were eliminated right inside the building. Bomb disposal team deemed it too dangerous to take the explosives out.       Explosives found in an illegal…
Muslim theology faculties develop an ‘Islam for Germany

Muslim theology faculties develop an ‘Islam for Germany

While Germany’s politicians are loudly debating whether Islam is compatible with democracy, five of its state universities are quietly developing pioneering new Islamic theology faculties to try to ensure that it is.       While Germany’s politicians are loudly…
Largest Quran teaching center in Senegal with 3500 Quran memorizers and 450 students

Largest Quran teaching center in Senegal with 3500 Quran memorizers and 450 students

The Dar-ol-Quran of Koki in Louga, northwestern Senegal, is being announced as the largest Quran teaching center in the country.     The Dar-ol-Quran of Koki in Louga, northwestern Senegal, is being announced as the largest Quran teaching center in…
Indian Judicial Systems needs to adapt other minorities

Indian Judicial Systems needs to adapt other minorities

The treatment with the minorities in India is no better than the minorities like Africans and Muslim immigrants in many Western countries including the United States.       The treatment with the minorities in India is no better than…
State’s ‘Muslim Day at the Capitol’ draws 600 Muslims

State’s ‘Muslim Day at the Capitol’ draws 600 Muslims

More than 600 Muslims were in Sacramento on Monday to mark the annual “Muslim Day at the Capitol.”     More than 600 Muslims were in Sacramento on Monday to mark the annual “Muslim Day at the Capitol.” The event,…
Policeman hurt in explosion outside Ahsa patrol station

Policeman hurt in explosion outside Ahsa patrol station

A small bomb exploded in the parking lot of a highway patrol station in eastern Saudi Arabia, injuring a policeman.     A small bomb exploded in the parking lot of a highway patrol station in eastern Saudi Arabia, injuring…
Far-Right Swedish Politician Quits Over Islamophobic Posts

Far-Right Swedish Politician Quits Over Islamophobic Posts

A local politician for the far-right Sweden Democrats took a temporary break from politics after threatening to carry out a suicide bombing against a mosque, local media reported Thursday.       A local politician for the far-right Sweden Democrats…
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