
Report reveals UK prison imams are free to spread hatred in British prisons

Report reveals UK prison imams are free to spread hatred in British prisons

Muslim preachers approved by the Government are routinely distributing extremist literature in British prisons leaving hundreds of inmates at risks of radicalization, a leaked report has found.       Muslim preachers approved by the Government are routinely distributing extremist…
Conference on the Architecture of the Iranian World

Conference on the Architecture of the Iranian World

The University of St. Andrews in St Andrews, Scotland is holding a conference on the architecture of the Iranian world.     The University of St. Andrews in St Andrews, Scotland is holding a conference on the architecture of the…
Saudi Arabia paid ‘insufficient attention’ to extremist funding

Saudi Arabia paid ‘insufficient attention’ to extremist funding

President Barack Obama’s deputy national security adviser said that the government of Saudi Arabia had paid “insufficient attention” to money that was being funneled into terror groups and fueled the rise of Al Qaeda.        President Barack Obama’s…
Rockford women gather for 11th annual ‘women in Islam’ event

Rockford women gather for 11th annual ‘women in Islam’ event

Women of different faiths in Rockford city, Illinois, have come together during weekend for the 11th annual women in Islam event that is meant to discuss misconceptions about being Muslim.     Women of different faiths in Rockford city, Illinois,…
Blue Mosque to Host I’tikaf Ceremony

Blue Mosque to Host I’tikaf Ceremony

The Blue Mosque in Yerevan, capital of Armenia, will host Muslim worshipers who are going to attend I’tikaf, which translates to ‘seclusion for worship in a mosque’, on the 13th to 15th of the lunar month of Rajab.    …
Concern after suspected ISIS agents visit Durban school

Concern after suspected ISIS agents visit Durban school

Parents of children at Northwood High School on Thursday raised their concerns after two visitors to the school from Saudi Arabia, accompanied by a South African, handed out a DVD and pamphlets to some matric pupils that they fear promote…
Islamic library in Houston opens to the US public

Islamic library in Houston opens to the US public

The Executive Director of Islamic Daw’ah Center Ameer Abuhalimeh welcomed on Saturday guests to the opening event of the Library of Islamic Knowledge at the center in Houston.      The Executive Director of Islamic Daw’ah Center Ameer Abuhalimeh welcomed…
Madison Muslim community in USA hosts dinner for needy

Madison Muslim community in USA hosts dinner for needy

Members of Madison’s Muslim community in Wisconsin, U.S.A spent their Saturday serving and hosting a spring dinner for those in need, WMTV news reported.        Members of Madison’s Muslim community in Wisconsin, U.S.A spent their Saturday serving and…
Muslim Women Main Target of Anti-Islamic Violence in the Netherlands

Muslim Women Main Target of Anti-Islamic Violence in the Netherlands

A hotline set up to record incidents of anti-Islamic physical and verbal violence in the Netherlands received 158 reports last year, according to the organization’s annual report.       A hotline set up to record incidents of anti-Islamic physical…
The ugly face of British Ethnocentrism and sectarian bias

The ugly face of British Ethnocentrism and sectarian bias

In yet another self-professed attempt to combat radicalization, and foster multi-culturalism in Britain, yet another survey on British Muslims’ attitude was published by Channel 4.      In yet another self-professed attempt to combat radicalization, and foster multi-culturalism in Britain,…
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