
First major Quran exhibition in US set to open

First major Quran exhibition in US set to open

Centuries-old handwritten Qurans from Turkey will be presented this week at the first major Quran exhibition in Washington at the Smithsonian Institution.   Centuries-old handwritten Qurans from Turkey will be presented this week at the first major Quran exhibition in…
‘Who is Hussain?’ volunteers distribute water bottles, visit hospitals in Karnataka, India

‘Who is Hussain?’ volunteers distribute water bottles, visit hospitals in Karnataka, India

 On 17th of Muharram, ‘Who is Hussain?’ – Alipur Chapter, distributed water bottles along with informative leaflets about Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, to the public with an intention to raise awareness about the infallible Imam.      On…
Myanmar urged to allow passage of aid to Muslim-majority areas

Myanmar urged to allow passage of aid to Muslim-majority areas

Humanitarian agencies and rights groups have urged Myanmar to allow the passage of much-needed aid to the restricted Muslim-majority areas they have no access to.     Humanitarian agencies and rights groups have urged Myanmar to allow the passage of…
‏Al-Shabab militants kill at least 10 people in key Somali town

‏Al-Shabab militants kill at least 10 people in key Somali town

‏Al-Shabab militants have killed at least 10 people, including soldiers and civilians, in a key Somali town close to the capital Mogadishu after ramming a bomb-laden vehicle into a police station.     ‏Al-Shabab militants have killed at least 10…
Missouri man gets five years in jail for setting mosque on fire

Missouri man gets five years in jail for setting mosque on fire

A Missouri man was sentenced in federal court on Tuesday to five years and three months in prison for setting a fire that destroyed a mosque and two attempted arson attacks of a Planned Parenthood clinic, prosecutors said.    …
Finland: Islam in schools should contribute to anti-radicalization

Finland: Islam in schools should contribute to anti-radicalization

 Finnish pupils in elementary education have started their school year of 2016 with a new national curriculum.     Finnish pupils in elementary education have started their school year of 2016 with a new national curriculum. In Finland, every school…
Window smashed, burnt Quran, hateful letter left at Calgary Islamic center

Window smashed, burnt Quran, hateful letter left at Calgary Islamic center

A southeast Calgary Islamic center was vandalized late Friday evening, and a community leader is hoping the person responsible comes forward, because he wants to start a conversation.     A southeast Calgary Islamic center was vandalized late Friday evening,…
Kazakhstan to ban anti-Shia Salafi Sect

Kazakhstan to ban anti-Shia Salafi Sect

Kazakhstan’s newly created Ministry of Religious Issues and Civil Society says it is taking steps to ban the Salafi sector (Wahhabis).      Kazakhstan’s newly created Ministry of Religious Issues and Civil Society says it is taking steps to ban…
Doctors protest sale of Scottish-made bombs to Saudi Arabia calling on UK government to end arms deals

Doctors protest sale of Scottish-made bombs to Saudi Arabia calling on UK government to end arms deals

Doctors in Scotland are among hundreds of medics who’ve signed a letter calling on the UK Government to end arms sales to Saudi Arabia.   Doctors in Scotland are among hundreds of medics who’ve signed a letter calling on the…
Myanmar: The latest crisis in Arakan is alarming

Myanmar: The latest crisis in Arakan is alarming

The situation inside the Rohingya villages in north-western Arakan (Rakhine) state of Myanmar, bordering Bangladesh, is dire.     The situation inside the Rohingya villages in north-western Arakan (Rakhine) state of Myanmar, bordering Bangladesh, is dire. Another genocidal campaign has…
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