
Finland: Islam in schools should contribute to anti-radicalization

Finland: Islam in schools should contribute to anti-radicalization

 Finnish pupils in elementary education have started their school year of 2016 with a new national curriculum.     Finnish pupils in elementary education have started their school year of 2016 with a new national curriculum. In Finland, every school…
Window smashed, burnt Quran, hateful letter left at Calgary Islamic center

Window smashed, burnt Quran, hateful letter left at Calgary Islamic center

A southeast Calgary Islamic center was vandalized late Friday evening, and a community leader is hoping the person responsible comes forward, because he wants to start a conversation.     A southeast Calgary Islamic center was vandalized late Friday evening,…
Kazakhstan to ban anti-Shia Salafi Sect

Kazakhstan to ban anti-Shia Salafi Sect

Kazakhstan’s newly created Ministry of Religious Issues and Civil Society says it is taking steps to ban the Salafi sector (Wahhabis).      Kazakhstan’s newly created Ministry of Religious Issues and Civil Society says it is taking steps to ban…
Doctors protest sale of Scottish-made bombs to Saudi Arabia calling on UK government to end arms deals

Doctors protest sale of Scottish-made bombs to Saudi Arabia calling on UK government to end arms deals

Doctors in Scotland are among hundreds of medics who’ve signed a letter calling on the UK Government to end arms sales to Saudi Arabia.   Doctors in Scotland are among hundreds of medics who’ve signed a letter calling on the…
Myanmar: The latest crisis in Arakan is alarming

Myanmar: The latest crisis in Arakan is alarming

The situation inside the Rohingya villages in north-western Arakan (Rakhine) state of Myanmar, bordering Bangladesh, is dire.     The situation inside the Rohingya villages in north-western Arakan (Rakhine) state of Myanmar, bordering Bangladesh, is dire. Another genocidal campaign has…
Members of militia group charged with plotting to bomb Kansas apartment complex and mosque

Members of militia group charged with plotting to bomb Kansas apartment complex and mosque

Three men were arrested on Friday in connection with a plot to bomb a Kansas apartment complex and mosque, federal officials said.   Three men were arrested on Friday in connection with a plot to bomb a Kansas apartment complex…
New Dearborn mosque receives online threats

New Dearborn mosque receives online threats

Police are investigating threats made against a Dearborn mosque after it was announced online that a building which was previously a Baptist church would now be turned into the New Islamic Institute of America.     Police are investigating threats…
British police prevent Husseini rituals in Luton Mosque

British police prevent Husseini rituals in Luton Mosque

British police prevented the lovers of Ahl al-Bayt from preforming the Husseini rituals in Imam Ali Mosque in the British city of Luton.     British police prevented the lovers of Ahl al-Bayt from preforming the Husseini rituals in Imam…
Huge publicity for Imam Hussein’s rituals among western media

Huge publicity for Imam Hussein’s rituals among western media

The grand participation by the lovers of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, in Iraq and other Islamic and non-Islamic countries attracted western media attention.   The grand participation by the lovers of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, in…
26 Shias wrongfully charged in Nigeria

26 Shias wrongfully charged in Nigeria

Some 26 Shia were charged with criminal conspiracy, unlawful assembly, disturbance of public peace and inciting public disturbance.     Some 26 Shia were charged with criminal conspiracy, unlawful assembly, disturbance of public peace and inciting public disturbance. The Prosecuting…
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