
Quran Calligraphed by Woman Unveiled in New Delhi

Quran Calligraphed by Woman Unveiled in New Delhi

An Indian woman has for the first time calligraphed the entire Holy Quran.   An Indian woman has for the first time calligraphed the entire Holy Quran. Beigum Mohammad Jihan’s work of art was unveiled in a ceremony on Thursday,…
SRW publishes its monthly report

SRW publishes its monthly report

Shia Rights Watch International Organization published its latest monthly report of the anti-Shia movements between November 25 and Dec 25, 2018.     Shia Rights Watch International Organization published its latest monthly report of the anti-Shia movements between November 25…
Pope Francis urges peace in conflict zones

Pope Francis urges peace in conflict zones

The Pope has used his annual Christmas message to appeal for peace in conflict zones including Yemen and Syria.   The Pope has used his annual Christmas message to appeal for peace in conflict zones including Yemen and Syria. The…
Ireland concerned over Bahrain’s ‘considerable restrictions of fundamental freedoms’

Ireland concerned over Bahrain’s ‘considerable restrictions of fundamental freedoms’

Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney has expressed concern about the “considerable restrictions of fundamental freedoms” in Bahrain following the Middle Eastern nation’s parliamentary elections last month.   Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney has expressed concern about…
The Muslim families donating to food banks for Christmas

The Muslim families donating to food banks for Christmas

Muslim families across Liverpool have been donating food to people who would otherwise go hungry this Christmas.   Muslim families across Liverpool have been donating food to people who would otherwise go hungry this Christmas. Several Islamic organisations in the…
TVA issues full apology one year after debunked mosque reports

TVA issues full apology one year after debunked mosque reports

A year after TVA Nouvelles aired widely discredited news reports claiming that two mosques in Côte-des-Neiges barred women from a construction site outside their doors, the news organization apologized in full on Thursday — on its website.     A…
Director of Annaba Cultural Institute participates in conference in Beirut

Director of Annaba Cultural Institute participates in conference in Beirut

Mr. Ali Al-Taliqani, the head of Annaba conferences as well as some members of this institute participated in a conference titled “The Lebanese position in the future of Syria and Iraq”, following an invitation by Baitul Mostaqbal Institute in Beirut,…
Mosque rallies help for homeless

Mosque rallies help for homeless

More than 100 rucksacks filled with warm clothing, food and toiletries have been distributed to the homeless in Preston, Lancashire, northern England.     More than 100 rucksacks filled with warm clothing, food and toiletries have been distributed to the…
Nigeria warned over Shia Muslim crackdown

Nigeria warned over Shia Muslim crackdown

Nigeria on Wednesday faced calls to prosecute soldiers for using excessive force against Shia Muslim protesters, exactly three years after a military crackdown killed more than 300 Shias.   Nigeria on Wednesday faced calls to prosecute soldiers for using excessive…
China continues to counter the Islamic identity for Ugur Muslims amid international silence

China continues to counter the Islamic identity for Ugur Muslims amid international silence

China’s relentless campaign to erase the identity of the Uighurs continues, as the world remains silent.   China’s relentless campaign to erase the identity of the Uighurs continues, as the world remains silent. Notwithstanding the estimates, the number of Uighur…
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