United States

linois Becomes First State to Mandate Halal Meals in State Facilities

Governor JB Pritzker signed a landmark bill into law last week, making Illinois the first state in the U.S. to require state-run schools, hospitals, and correctional facilities to offer halal meal options, Fox News reported.

The legislation, known as the Faith by Plate Act, aims to foster inclusivity for individuals of different faiths within the state. Illinois is home to one of the largest per capita Muslim populations in the country.

Under the new law, state-operated facilities will have one year to implement the necessary infrastructure to provide these meal options. Amina Barhumi, advocacy and policy lead for the Muslim Civic Coalition, emphasized the importance of this legislation, stating, “We continue to see Illinois be a model for other states, a model for inclusivity, equity, and dignity for all Illinoisans and all people.”

To celebrate the signing of the bill, Muslim leaders will gather at West Ridge Elementary School in Chicago on Monday. This school is already providing halal meals, serving as a successful example of the initiative.

State Senator Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago), a lead sponsor of the bill, highlighted the importance of ensuring that no student feels excluded during lunchtime. “No student should have to watch their classmates eat a school-provided lunch and be left out because there is not an option that meets their needs,” he stated. “This new law ensures everyone has access to food that respects and dignifies their dietary restrictions.”

The Faith by Plate Act is seen as a significant step toward promoting inclusivity and respect for diverse dietary practices in Illinois, setting a precedent for other states to follow.

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