United States

American Muslims in 2025: Demographics, Challenges, and Advocacy

A recent profile highlights the diverse demographics and ongoing challenges faced by American Muslims in 2025, emphasizing their advocacy efforts.

According to the 2020 United States Religion Census, there are approximately 4.5 million Muslims in the U.S., although some surveys suggest the number may be as low as three million, Justice For All published on Monday. The American Muslim community is notably young, with 26% of Muslims aged 18 to 24, making it the youngest faith group in the country. This community is also the most ethnically diverse, comprising one-third Black, one-third South Asian, and one-quarter Arab individuals, along with a growing Latino Muslim population.

Economically, 22% of Muslims earn $100,000 or more, contrasting with 44% of Jewish Americans at that income level. However, 33% of American Muslims live below the poverty line. Professionally, many Muslims are engaged in engineering, information technology, and medicine, with nearly 50,000 serving as physicians.

Despite these contributions, American Muslims face significant challenges, including rising Islamophobia. Reports indicate that 25% of employment discrimination cases involve Muslims, who represent only 1% of the population. Additionally, over 50% of Muslim students report feeling unsafe or unwelcome at school.

Advocacy efforts have led to notable achievements, such as the U.S. government officially recognizing the genocide of the Rohingya people and securing funding for their refugees. However, the future may hold challenges, particularly with a potential rise in Islamophobic policies under future administrations.

There are approximately 2,771 masjids and 300 Islamic schools in the U.S., serving over 50,000 students. Masjids play a crucial role in civic engagement and social services, with 76% offering weekend schools. In 2023, 38% of Muslims attended Friday prayers weekly, while 47% fast during Ramadan. American Muslims donated $1.8 billion in Zakat in 2021.

Currently, four Muslims serve in Congress, with President Biden appointing the most Muslims to significant positions.

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