United Kingdom

UK: Thousands gather to stand in solidarity with the Afghan Hazara Shias

On October 12, nearly two thousand people from all over UK, including Scotland, Wales and Manchester came together to stand in solidarity with the Afghan Hazara Shias who have faced up to 250 years of systematic targeted killings due to their Shia and ethnic identity.

During the peaceful protest there were a number of speakers who spoke about the injustices against the Hazaras in English and Persian.

The protesters stood outside 10 Downing St shouting slogans against Taliban and other extremist organizations whilst demanding justice and a society in Afghanistan that is willing to live in peace and harmony with Hazara Shias. The crowd also highlighted the two main causes of the repeated targeted attacks on Hazaras which are their Shia and ethnic identities.

Afterwards they marched down to Westminster and had a mass lobbying in which they wrote to the MPs and to the international communities to take the Hazara Genocide seriously.

Shia Waves News Agency was able to get exclusive access and interviews from various people attending the protest.

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