United Kingdom

Nature in England at Risk as Protected Land Drops to 2.93%

New data reveals that only 2.93% of land in England is now protected for nature, a decline from 3.11% last year, despite a government commitment to conserve 30% by 2030, The Guardian reported today.

The report by Wildlife and Countryside Link highlights the deteriorating condition of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) due to climate change, water pollution, and overgrazing.

As delegates prepare for the international nature summit in Colombia on October 21, campaigners are urging for a “rapid rescue package” to enhance the condition of protected sites. The amount of sea protected has increased slightly to 9.92%, aided by new laws against destructive fishing practices.

Katie-jo Luxton from the RSPB emphasized the urgent need for action to prevent further species decline, while Richard Benwell of Wildlife and Countryside Link called for significant strides to meet 2030 nature targets. A Defra spokesperson acknowledged progress has been too slow, emphasizing the importance of restoring nature for the economy and society.

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