United Kingdom

Global Nonviolence Organization Expresses Concern Over Recent Events in Britain, Calls for De-escalation

The Global Nonviolence Organization, known as Freemuslim Association, has expressed its profound concern regarding the recent acts of violence targeting Muslims in Britain. The organization has called for an urgent need to quell the unrest and curb the activities of racist organizations that seek to incite further tensions.

In an official statement obtained by the “Shia Waves Agency,” the organization highlighted its keen attention to human rights reports from London, which indicate a rise in riots and attacks against Muslims. These incidents have arisen following the accusation of a Muslim citizen in a murder case, in which no judicial evidence has yet established his involvement.

The organization strongly condemns these violent acts and the racial incitement perpetrated by certain domestic parties for political or regional purposes. It emphasized that such actions not only harm specific communities but also pose a serious threat to security and civil peace both within the United Kingdom and beyond.

The statement noted that the current escalation reflects a state of lawlessness that jeopardizes social cohesion, necessitating urgent intervention from British authorities to hold all parties inciting hatred and violence accountable, regardless of their ideological or doctrinal affiliations.

Furthermore, the organization called for effective measures to ensure stability and protect the rights of individuals from all religions and ethnicities. It underscored the importance of fostering dialogue and understanding among diverse communities while standing against extremism and racism that threaten the social fabric of the United Kingdom.

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